*Sigh...* Well, my hiatus is over, back to the reality of Louisiana summer. Already, I can tell it's going to drive me over the edge this year. Hopefully I can hold on. See, the thing is, I don't mind the heat , and the humidity can be kinda bothersome, but I can get past it. What gets to me is the bugs. They're everywhere. Now, I used to have a mild dislike of bugs, which grew a little to a great distaste for bugs, now... they completely freak me out. I think it's the OCD in me. I can't stand that they're everywhere, and I can't control where they're going, and no matter what I do, they're always there. The cover my porch at night when we have the light on. They infest the grass (later on I'll post pictures of the 4 inch long grasshoppers). And worst of all, they somehow make my house their home. Now, don't get the wrong idea, I'm not talking big bugs (well, not inside, outside, yes, but not inside). The bugs that come into my home are little teeny tiny gnat-like flies. They drive me crazy. I mean, I can handle one or two of something, but these things... it's like they can only appear in droves. I'll go to bed one night and leave a single dirty dish in the sink. The next morning there are hundreds of these things all over my kitchen (seriously). Josh and I have pretty much come to the conclusion that they lay all their eggs in the pipes to the sinks (they lay their eggs in water), and then anytime it warms up at all and there's any food for them, they all hatch. All of them, all 20,000 of them. And getting rid of them all is nearly impossible. I mean... I guess I
could take the trash out everyday, but that seems kinda excessive (and obsessive). And, don't get me wrong, I'm not the worst house keeper ever. I mean, I don't have bugs because we're gross, it's just part of living in a 50-year-old hand-built house outside the city in Louisiana. SO, I guess I'll just have to accept it... But ugghhh... right now, all I can think is... dear goodness, thank you that I'm moving north. As much as I LOVE hot weather, I don't think I can handle many more summers filled with bugs. Somehow growing up in West Texas, I didn't develop the immunity to humid-loving creatures the way my husband did...