Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The last few months have been pretty stuffed full of random pieces of awesome that I definitely want to remember. So... here are my happies to remember:

  • waking up to bake muffins for Easter sunrise communion by the Potomac
  • watching the Royal wedding with a gaggle of girls before heading to work
  • Josh picking me up from work and bringing cupcakes
  • matching zombie shirts for Josh and me from friends
  • massive movie parties
  • sleeping in
  • yellow swim suits and beach towels
  • grouting tiles for a massive mosaic with my friends
  • walking down the street to 7-11 for slurpees and ice cream
  • laying by the pool reading Harry Potter (again)
  • garden gnome drive-by
  • party plotting
  • chocolate covered banana honey popsicles from Buzz
  • painting my toes while on the phone with Josh
  • cooking without kitchen appliances/gadgets
  • leaving the windows open
  • going for a run in the rain before the sun comes up
  • spending a foggy cloudy day at the beach with friends
  • stealing mint from friends' gardens
  • takeout and Redbox movie night